Portfolio Report is your one stop location to access a combined view of real-time market details on your brokerage account(s). Build your customized report by selecting any or all of the accounts in the "Account List" and any or all of the "Portfolio Information" categories.

Your report is divided into four sections:

  • Portfolio Account Summary lists real-time balances for each account as well as your portfolio total.
  • Portfolio Asset Allocation displays all of your holdings in a pie-chart format categorized by cash, equities, fixed income and mutual funds.
  • Portfolio Holdings provides a detailed description of your holdings within your investment categories, including the current price per share, the total market value of each security and the change in dollar value from the previous day's close.
  • Realized Gains/Losses displays details such as buy date, close date, cost basis, realized gains/losses for current or previous year, as well as short or long term gain/loss.